June 1, 2017

Highlight: Funding Available: International Engagement Ready Communities Competition

Graphic of a money bag

EDA has announced the availability of funding for the FY 2017 International Engagement Ready Communities Competition. This $600,000 program seeks to help drive foreign direct investment (FDI) in U.S. communities with diverse economic development needs by enhancing their FDI attraction and export promotion efforts.

Through this program, EDA, SelectUSA, and the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) will support empirical research on successful international engagement strategies and develop best practice reports and a competitiveness assessment tool. These elements will be incorporated into a user-friendly economic development organization (EDO) toolkit and training guide to help local communities assess and increase their ability to become globally competitive while enhancing their trade and FDI promotion activities.

The United States holds the largest stock of FDI in the world, and this investment plays an integral role in the U.S. economy by supporting local strategies to spur innovation, create jobs, and drive exports. While U.S. EDOs devote great effort to investment promotion, many face significant resource constraints.

Eligibility is open to organizations engaged in economic development opportunities, including state and local governments, Tribal organizations, institutions of higher learning, and other related public or private organizations or associations.

Grant applications are due by June 12. Please visit the program's website for more information, or contact: