Managing Your EDA Grant

Congratulations on your EDA grant! We look forward to partnering with you so that your community can further position itself for economic prosperity and resiliency in the years ahead.

We encourage you to explore the resources here that will provide the tools needed for a successful project.


Resources for All Programs

Guidance for Charging Project Costs

Indirect Cost Rate: Forms and Information

Indirect Cost Instructions

  • The U.S. Department of the Interior, Interior Business Center (IBC) will issue indirect cost rates to organizations for which EDA is the cognizant agency. The Office of Indirect Cost Services for IBC (IBC/ICS) will collect the required documents, negotiate, issue and countersign indirect rate agreements for your organization.
  • Certificate of Indirect Costs Template (PDF)
  • Certificate of Indirect Costs – De Minimis Rate Template for Governmental Entities (DOCX)
    This template is for governmental departments or agencies that receive less than $35M in direct Federal funding and do not have a negotiated indirect cost rate.

Performance Metrics

The Government Results and Performance Act (GPRA) requires federal grant recipients to periodically report data that measure the short and long-term impact of the project. This data includes measures such as the number of jobs created, types of strategies developed, or new partnerships formed.

Grantees with construction awards report on GPRA using the ED-915 form (PDF).

For grantees with non-construction awards, a link to the electronic questionnaires  will be sent to the grantee point of contact.  One of these questionnaires will be due semi-annually while the grant is still active; the other questionnaire  will be due annually for a period of five years. Learn more about GPRA and reporting with these Frequently Asked Questions. To watch videos and webinars tailored for each grant program, visit EDA's Performance Data Collection Instruments and Processes page.