Good Jobs Challenge
Supporting Americans in Good Jobs

The Good Jobs Challenge supports regional workforce training systems to establish sectoral partnerships that train and place workers in good jobs. Good jobs are those that align with the Departments of Labor and Commerce Good Jobs Principles. The Good Jobs Challenge highlights workforce development as key to accelerating local economic growth and rebuilding regional economies so they are more resilient to future challenges, while providing good job opportunities for American workers to achieve economic mobility and security.
The awardees funded by the Good Jobs Challenge expand opportunities across diverse populations, regions, and communities, focusing on coordinated and comprehensive approaches to removing systemic barriers for workers through support services such as childcare and transportation, and opening doors to a variety of paid on-the-job training opportunities.
FY 2024 Awards
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2024, provided $25 million for the Good Jobs Challenge program. On January 14, 2025, EDA announced awards to eight high-quality, locally-led workforce training programs that create a pathway for workers to be placed into good-paying jobs. The FY2024 awards expanded EDA’s Good Jobs Challenge portfolio to 35 states and one territory and increases the portfolio’s overall placements target to 53,000 American workers placed into jobs.
Good Jobs Challenge FY24 Awardees FY24 Awardee Fact Sheet (PDF)
American Rescue Plan Awards

EDA’s American Rescue Plan (ARPA) $500 million Good Jobs Challenge made a once-in-a-generation investments in high-quality, locally led workforce systems to dramatically transform America’s communities. The program is expanding career opportunities for more Americans to reach their full potential and secure good-paying jobs while producing a skilled workforce to ensure the United States is prepared to innovate, compete, and succeed in a 21st century global economy.
On August 3, 2022, EDA announced awards to 32 industry-led, worker-centered training partnerships and systems across the country, which will impact 31 states and Puerto Rico. Awardees funded by the American Rescue Plan focused on 15 targeted industries that are essential to U.S. global competitiveness and supply chain resiliency, including healthcare, information technology, and manufacturing and include 829 commitments from employers to support the programs.
To support the 32 grantees that received awards through ARPA, EDA is investing in collaboration and support of the grantees through a Community of Practice. Find out more about how EDA's Community of Practice is supporting the Good Jobs grantees.
Good Jobs Challenge ARPA Awardees ARPA Awardee Fact Sheet (PDF)
ARPA Awardee Digital Booklet (PDF) ARPA Awardee Contact Information
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