CenterState NY Smart Systems Cluster

Build Back Better Regional Challenge Badge Finalist

Coalition Lead Applicant: CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity

Region (applicant-defined): CenterState New York

Cluster Sector(s): Information Technology; Business and Technical Services

Coalition Overarching Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)

Project Description:
The CenterState NY Smart Systems coalition, led by the CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity, aims to support the successful development of the unmanned aerial systems cluster in Central New York. Tied directly to New York state’s semiconductor corridor effort, the coalition’s strategy consists of a two-pronged approach: developing new, large-scale, training and entrepreneurship opportunities; and leveraging and scaling successful initiatives focused on workforce and small business development. If provided an implementation grant, the coalition proposes to prioritize eight interconnected smart systems cluster projects with a vision for achieving economic growth in the region.

Finalist Showcase Presentation