Fresno County Economic Development Corporation
Project Title: N/A
Region (applicant-defined)/State(s) or territory served: Central Valley in California
Phase (applicant-defined): Program Design
Award Amount: $23,015,216
Key Industry / Industries: Professional and Financial Services; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Manufacturing; Building and Construction
Contact: Lee Ann Eager, President & CEO,
Project Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
View Press Release
Built 4 Scale unites dozens of employers, such as T-Mobile, VF Outdoor, Sierra Agra, and Gibson Wine Company, and key stakeholders in California’s Central Valley to develop the local workforce and strengthen its economy. This project aims to bolster and diversify an economy still dominant in agriculture by placing residents into high-quality jobs in four growth industries. Its financial services partnership, led by Fresno K-16 Collaborative, will build paid training opportunities including pre-apprenticeships and Registered Apprenticeships with leading employers. Its manufacturing partnership, led by San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance and Generation USA, will provide bootcamp training and individualized training pathways to meet demand from hundreds of local manufacturers. Its transportation, distribution, and logistics partnership, led by Madera Workforce Board, will meet demand from various local small- and medium-sized businesses that support two nearby port cities. Its building and construction partnership, led by Fresno Workforce Development Board, will build on over a decade of partnership with unions and local employers by placing hundreds of individuals into well-paying jobs in the trades. The awardee has partnered with UniteUs to assess all participants for unmet service needs, connect them with tailored services, track outcomes, and identify gaps and disparities in real time.
The project narrative included above is what was submitted by the applicants. The final EDA-approved scope of work may differ.