Miami Dade College
Project Title: Miami Tech Works
Region (applicant-defined)/State(s) or territory served: South Florida
Phase (applicant-defined): Phase 1 – System Development
Award Amount: $9,999,939
Key Industry / Industries: Information Technology
Contact: Dr. Malou C. Harrison, Executive Vice President and Provost,
Project Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
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An NSA-designated National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, Miami Dade College will support the region’s growing role as a technology hub and catalyze economic mobility for workers through Miami Tech Works. With support from over 30 employers – including Blackstone Technology and Innovations, Assurant, 8base Inc, and Microsoft – Miami Dade College will develop pathways that meet local employer demand for skilled talent. As a large Hispanic-serving, four-year institution in the country, and in partnership with local education providers, Miami Tech Works will expand opportunities to engage in high quality cybersecurity training and to gain industry certifications.
The project narrative included above is what was submitted by the applicants. The final EDA-approved scope of work may differ.