
Project Title: Northern Nevada Equity in Employment Project
Region (applicant-defined)/State(s) or territory served: Northern Nevada
Phase (applicant-defined): Phase 1 – System Development
Award Amount: $14,895,601
Key Industry / Industries: Healthcare; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Contact: Elizabeth Wicks, Finance Manager,
Project Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
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Serving rural and indigenous communities in the region, Nevadaworks (northern Nevada’s workforce board) is building a regional workforce system to place workers into good jobs across four key industry sectors -- manufacturing, healthcare services, information technology (IT) and transportation/logistics. This project includes four backbone organizations: Nevada Industry Excellence (manufacturing backbone, a Manufacturing Extension Partnership center), Nevada Hospital Association (healthcare), the Economic Development Authority for Western Nevada (information technology), and Truckee Meadows Community College (transportation / logistics). The partnership has together 15 committed companies, including innovators such as Tesla (which opened the world’s largest-volume battery factory in Northern Nevada in 2014) and Fulcrum Biofuels. The project is also backed by local unions and leverages a network of more than 1,800 manufacturing firms through its Manufacturing Extension Partnership backbone organization.

The project narrative included above is what was submitted by the applicants. The final EDA-approved scope of work may differ.