South Central Kentucky Regional Development Authority Inc. & Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce

Building a Smart Manufacturing Workforce in South Central Kentucky

Project Description:

Building a Smart Manufacturing Workforce in South Central Kentucky, led by the South Central Kentucky Regional Development Authority, Inc. and the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce, will advance workforce development in robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing in the 10‑county region centered on Bowling Green. The regional sectoral partnership will bring together existing partners, including manufacturers, education and training providers, workforce and economic development entities, and community-based organizations, to bolster the manufacturing industry. The project will align education and career pathways around stackable credentials, build training capacity for robotics and automation, and use earn-and-learn solutions to fill high-demand occupations and promote wage gains for participants. 

Approximate Award Amount: $3,975,419

Lead (backbone) organization: South Central Kentucky Regional Development Authority, Inc. & Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce

Key Technology Focus Area (KTFA): Robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing

Anticipated Placements: 650

Industry: Advanced Manufacturing

Tech Hub: N/A