iFAB Tech Hub

Tech Hubs Official Designee Badge

Lead Agency: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign  

State Served: Illinois  

Geography: Champaign-Urbana and Decatur MSAs   

Core Technology Area: precision fermentation and biomanufacturing  

Contact: Beth Conerty (bconerty@illinois.edu)  

Media Contact: Claire Benjamin (claire@illinois.edu)

Organizational Link: https://ifabtechhub.research.illinois.edu/

The Illinois Fermentation and Agriculture Biomanufacturing Tech Hub (iFAB Tech Hub), led by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, seeks to scale precision fermentation to convert underutilized corn feedstocks into high-value, customized alternative proteins, food ingredients, materials, chemicals, and more. By leveraging its regional assets in corn and soy feedstocks, food processing infrastructure, and research leadership, this Tech Hub will provide a domestic biomanufacturing testbed through the development and deployment of multi-use pilot and demonstration capacity and equipment for biomanufacturing innovators, while also training a skilled workforce.  

The iFAB Tech Hub seeks to advance fermentation technology by making it possible to create zero-emission, high-value products from agricultural commodities.   

In July 2024, EDA recommended this Tech Hub receive grant funding of approximately $51 million to implement four projects, including: 

  • Upgrading and expanding existing facilities to allow for more companies to commercialize precision fermentation technologies and increase production capacity;  
  • Sharing equipment, expanding capital access, and contracting research organizations to attract global companies to the region and to foster and retain home-grown entrepreneurs; and
  • Designing and implementing sector-specific training across skill levels for incumbent employees, out-of-school youth, and other constituencies in the biomanufacturing workforce. 

To ensure that the impacts of the Tech Hub project benefit the entire region, the consortium has detailed specific outreach strategies and wraparound support services for its workforce development project.     

Designee Narrative (PDF) (submitted by the designee in its Phase 2 application package)