Goodwill of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas
Location | Kansas City, MO |
Project Name | Bridge to Technology and Careers in Greater Kansas City |
Award Amount | $499,196 |
Local Match | $500,802 |
This EDA investment supports Goodwill of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas’ new "Bridge to Technology and Careers in Greater Kansas City" program, which will improve technology-based fields in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Goodwill and LaunchCode, a nonprofit and subawardee, will provide high-wage technology job opportunities; provide training and apprenticeships for in-demand technology jobs; offer wraparound services and case management throughout to support program completion; and connect individuals to sustainable, innovation-based careers.
This program will serve diverse populations in Jackson, Johnson, Clay, Wyandotte, Cass, Platte, Leavenworth, Lafayette, Miami, Ray, Clinton, Bates, Linn, and Caldwell counties in Missouri and Kansas. This program will provide 500 people with digital inclusion services, enroll at least 200 people in Goodwill’s Bridge to Technology program, and enroll at least 450 people in the LaunchCode. With this funding, at least 270 individuals will complete training and 80 individuals will start technology-based careers through courses and/or apprenticeships.