University of Southern California

University center name
USC Center for Economic Development (CED)
386 DMC, 3518 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Year one
Deepak Bahl, Program Director (, 213-740-9491)
Additional Contact
Dion Jackson, Program Director (, 213-740-9491, 213-821-6145)

The USC Center for Economic Development (CED) will leverage the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal), a federally designated manufacturing community since 2014, to create the AMP SoCal Network covering the 19-county region of Central & Southern California. The AMP SoCal Network will be a multidisciplinary forum in which ideas and strategies about innovation and creativity can be tailored to local needs.  CED will convene the AMP SoCal Network to develop collaborative strategies for 21st century job creation and business development. Industry, academia, and government partners will discuss the growth needs of innovative industry cluster sectors including and not limited to advanced manufacturing, biotech, lithium recovery and processing, desalination, offshore wind power generation, and the circular economy.