Michigan State University

University center name
University Center for Regional Economic Innovation (REI)
1615 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI 48912
Year one
John Melcher, co-PI (melcher@msu.edu)
Additional Contact
Rex LaMore, Director, lamore@msu.edu, 517-353-9555

Since 2011, the Michigan State University Regional Economic Innovation (REI) EDA University Center has been leveraging higher education assets in collaboration with distressed regions to support the co-creation, co-implementation, and dissemination of new economic development strategies to build equitable, resilient, and inclusive economies. REI's unique approach embraces collaboration to create innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs to improve the lives of underserved and historically excluded citizens. REI’s demonstrated ability and successful outcomes allowed supplemental funding from EDA to advance the recovery from COVID-19 as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Redesignation of the EDA University Center will provide the critical support that distressed communities need at this time. Through technical assistance, applied research, Student-Led/Faculty-Guided (SLFGs) projects, Co-Learning Plans (CLPs), and Innovation Fellowships (IFs), REI and partners will co-create innovative and equitable recovery initiatives leading to long-term economic recovery across Michigan.
