Archived Grants Content
Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.
April 11 - 18, 2024
EDA announced 15 investments from April 11 – 18, 2024, totaling $9,847,000 which is matched by $7,394,882 in local investments. These investments include the following:
- $5,552,000 in three Economic Adjustment Assistance-2023 Disaster Supplemental projects to help regions that are experiencing severe economic distress or other economic hardship resulting from Hurricanes Ian and Fiona, wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters occurring in calendar years 2021 and 2022 and to help save/create 302 jobs and leverage $74.5 million in private investment.
- $2,000,000 in one Public Works project to help communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure, and help create 80 jobs, save 900 jobs, and leverage $2 million in private investment.
- $2,295,000 in eleven Partnership Planning projects to support the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy process.
- $5,552,000 in three 2023 Disaster Supplemental projects, matched by $1,395,632 in local investments, as follows:
- $2,550,000 to the City of Nash, Nash/Bowie County, Texas to support improving roadway infrastructure conditions in the Nash Industrial Park in Bowie County, Texas. The economic impact will enhance commercial traffic access to and through the Nash Business Park, creating the availability of commercial business sites for additional economic development within the site, and increase the safety aspect of additional routes in to and out of the site. Once completed, the project will enhance economic resiliency, strengthen the regional economy, and diversify the region’s economic base. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create/save 40 jobs and leverage $1.5 million in private investment.
- $2,250,000 to the Port of Columbia Columbia/Caldwell Parish, Louisiana to support addressing the local and regional need for operational continuity during disasters by designing and constructing an emergency staging area, which will serve as a central hub for efficient emergency responses in Columbia, Louisiana. The emergency staging area will enable rapid responses by streamlining resources, equipment, and personnel access during emergencies optimizing critical supplies allocation. Once completed, the project will support the manufacturing sector ensuring business continuity and supply chain resilience, attracting private investments, and promoting economic growth. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create/save 12 jobs and leverage $3 million in private investment.
- $752,000 to the Community at the Core, Inc.; Co-App Big Sandy Area Development District, Debord/Martin County, Kentucky to support the purchase of modern apple sorting and packing equipment for a temperature-controlled apple sorting facility in Martin County, Kentucky. The project will support apple production in a region that is thriving on previously mined properties in eastern Kentucky and will serve more landowners and agricultural producers to assist with shipping their product to market and providing efficient training in receiving product. Once completed, the project will boost economic development, create and save jobs, and increase private investment throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 150 jobs, save 100 jobs, and leverage $70 million in private investment.
- $2,000,000 in one Public Works projects, matched by $4,399,250 in local investments, as follows:
- $2,000,000 to the City of Peru Peru/LaSalle County, IL, to support with making water infrastructure improvements to include constructing 9,000 feet of new sanitary sewer as well as purchasing equipment for upgrades at the lift station serving the LaSalle County, Illinois area. The North Trunk Line Deep Sewer project will connect more than 50 existing businesses to the new sanitary trunk line. In addition, the project will help the city avoid any interruption in service at the current lift station, which leads to downtime for local businesses that rely on the system. Once completed, the project will serve as a catalyst for unprecedented regional economic growth by bolstering job creation and increasing private investment for the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 80 jobs, save 900 jobs, and leverage $2 million in private investment.
- $2,295,000 in eleven Partnership Planning projects, matched by $1,600,000: to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS). The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency Omaha/Douglas County, Nebraska to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, which is comprised of Cass, Washington, Douglas, and Sarpy counties in Nebraska, and Mills and Pottawattamie counties in Iowa. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Lake County Community Development Corporation Ronan/Lake County, Montana to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served the Lake County Development Corporation, which comprises the counties of Lake, Sanders, and Mineral. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Great Plains Development, Inc. Dodge City/Ford County, Kansas to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Great Plains Development, Inc., which comprises the counties of Barber, Barton, Clark, Comanche, Edwards, Finney, Ford, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Kearny, Kiowa, Lane, Meade, Morton, Ness, Pawnee, Pratt, Rush, Scott, Seward, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, and Wichita. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Northwest Kansas Planning and Development Commission Hill City/Graham County, Kansas to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Northwest Kansas Planning and Development Commission, which comprises the counties of Cheyenne, Decatur, Ellis, Gove, Graham, Logan, Norton, Osborne, Phillips, Rawlins, Rooks, Russell, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Thomas, Trego, and Wallace. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission Chanute/Neosho County, Kansas to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) in the region served by the Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission, which comprises the counties of Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $195,000 to the Kodiak Area Native Association, Kodiak/Kodiak Island Borough, AK to support the update and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Kodiak Area Native Association, which comprises the county of Kodiak Island Borough and the Native Alaskan villages of Akhiok, Karluk, Kodiak, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, and Port Lions, Alaska. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the West Central Nebraska Development District, Inc., Ogallala/Keith County, Nebraska, to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the West Central Nebraska Development District, Inc., which comprises the counties of Arthur, Dundy, Dawson, Frontier, Furnas, Gosper, Grant, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Perkins, Red Willow, and Thomas. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Northeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission Memphis/Scotland County, Missouri This EDA planning investment supports the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Northeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission, which comprises the counties of Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Schuyler, and Scotland. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Northeast Mississippi Planning and Development District Booneville/Prentiss County, Mississippi support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Northeast Mississippi Planning and Development District, which comprises the counties of Alcorn, Benton, Marshall, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the South Florida Regional Planning Council, Hollywood/Broward County, Florida to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, which comprises the counties of Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $210,000 to the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission, Concordia/Lafayette County, Missouri to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission, which comprises the counties of Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, and Saline. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.