Archived Grants Content
Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.
July 22 - 28, 2022
EDA announced 54 investments from July 22-28, 2022, totaling $79,161,440, which is matched by $35,895,714.93 in local investments. These investments include the following: (1) $59,907,044 in 30 American Rescue Plan Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to respond to and recover from the devastating impacts to the economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes 24 projects for $53,418,981 that will help create 4,593 jobs, save 1,989 jobs, and leverage $969,550,000 in private investments; (2) $11,106,316 in four Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to help communities design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to their economy in response to structural damage to their underlying economic base that will help create 409 jobs and leverage $115,750,000 in private investments; (3) $5,907,971 in three Public Works projects to help communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure that will help create 875 jobs and leverage $365,000,000 in private investments; (4) $1,128,500 in 10 Technical Assistance University Center projects to make the varied and vast resources of universities available to the economic development practitioner community; and (5) $1,111,609 in seven Partnership Planning projects to support the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy process.
- $59,907,044 in 30 American Rescue Plan projects, matched by $27,105,322 in local investments, as follows:
- Nineteen (19) Economic Adjustment Assistance Projects for $35,014,582 matched by $14,165,699 in local investments, to help communities nationwide plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through infrastructure, technical assistance, planning, and revolving loan programs designed to meet their local needs.
- $5,857,453, matched by $2,468,927 in local investment, to the City of Milton, Milton/Santa Rosa County, Florida, to support the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in the East Milton Service Area, to be known as the North Santa Rosa Regional Water Reclamation Facility in Florida. The project will allow the city to handle the wastewater effluent from private beneficiaries, as well as a broad range of industrial processes and sector types, allowing Santa Rosa County to recruit economic development projects with large wastewater needs. Once completed, the project will provide economic stability, foster new private capital investment, partnerships, and job creation, while bolstering activity for existing businesses, to boost economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 230 jobs and leverage $33,100,000 in private investment.
- $5,500,000, matched by $4,500,000 in local investment, to the City of American Canyon, American Canyon/Napa County, California, to support the reconditioning of damaged roads in American Canyon, California, a city that has suffered greatly from the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will improve transportation infrastructure in the Green Island Industrial District (GRID), which will enable the city to increase commercial activity and economic development, to help promote new business creations, generate jobs, attract private investment, and help strengthen and diversify the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 57 jobs, save 80 jobs, and leverage $31,500,000 in private investment.
- $3,191,200, matched by $797,800 in local investment, to the City of Annapolis, Annapolis/ Anne Arundel County, Maryland, to fund the Annapolis City Dock Redevelopment Resilience and Recovery project, to implement the planning, engineering, and design of the revitalized City Dock in downtown Annapolis, Maryland. The scope consists of deployable and scalable flood protection measures such as flood walls and natural systems that also serve to address long-term resiliency aspects. The project will increase maritime business activity, create unobstructed views of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and drive more visitors to the city. It will also better utilize public space by creating a park, a potential outdoor concert venue and programming space for year-round activities. Once completed, the project will help to eliminate Annapolis flooding issues for decades to come, which is an essential prerequisite to attract private investment needed to recover from the pandemic, promote economic sustainability, expand job opportunities, and promote growth throughout the region.
- $3,313,251, matched by $828,313 in local investment, to the Town of Douglas, Douglas/Worcester County, Massachusetts, to support the Town of Douglas with making upgrades and expanding sewer and water infrastructure to serve the new development of 2.4M square feet of warehousing and industrial space in Douglas, Massachusetts. The project will provide the necessary utility infrastructure to help contribute to the region’s economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic by promoting economic diversification, attracting new industries, creating jobs, increasing global competitiveness, and boosting economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 750 jobs and leverage $173,000,000 in private investment.
- $3,010,000, matched by $940,000 in local investment, to Outagamie County, Appleton/ Outagamie County, Wisconsin, to support Outagamie County with making roadway and related improvements at the Appleton International Airport Business Park in Appleton, Wisconsin. The COVID-19 pandemic devastated local businesses resulting in increased unemployment and business closures. The project will help the region expand and grow with access to the airport and its services. The project work includes a new roadway, runway apron, and utilities, which will help reinforce strong job growth at the park. Once completed, the project will help the region recover from the pandemic and help diversify the region’s economy as a means to increase resilience in the face of future economic shocks. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 500 jobs, save 500 jobs, and leverage $25,000,000 in private investment.
- $2,553,190, matched by $638,298 in local investment, to the City of Douglas, Douglas/Coffee County, Georgia, to support the construction of natural gas, water, and sewer infrastructure to serve existing and future industries in Coffee County, Georgia. The project will provide much needed infrastructure improvements to the Barrington Agri-Business Park, which will boost emerging business opportunities in the area. Once completed, the project will advance economic resiliency, attract private investment, and further economic diversification throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 64 jobs and leverage $45,000,000 in private investment.
- $1,807,926, matched by $890,301 in local investment, to the West Community Economic Development Corporation, Denver/Denver County, Colorado, to fund the Kitchen Network Park Hill Incubator project, to expand services for the Kitchen Network Park Hill facility, including onsite culinary training, business classes, and financial literacy for businesses in Denver, Colorado. The project will support personnel for the incubator, equipment to support the build out of the kitchen facilities, contractual and other facility related costs (including funds for the lease agreement). In addition, the project will support the equitable recovery and resilience of the local food industry by addressing the need for opportunities and support for businesses, which will help bolster job creation, spur private investment, and strengthen economic growth throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 763 jobs.
- $1,449,896, matched by $362,475 in local investment, to the City of Monroe, Monroe/Monroe County, Missouri, to fund construction of road improvements to provide an efficient and safe transportation route to Monroe City’s industrial park, allowing for the expansion of up to three businesses in Missouri. Improvements to County Line Road 502 will help increase resilience to current and future economic disruptions, including the coronavirus pandemic, by facilitating economic diversification and growth in the area. Once completed, the project will attract new industries, create jobs, increase global competitiveness, and promote economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 39 jobs and leverage $3,700,000 in private investment.
- $1,343,527, matched by $335,882 in local investment, to the Lapeer County Road Commission, Lapeer/Lapeer County, Michigan, to support the Lapeer County Road Commission with making capacity enhancements at Shaw Road, to support the rural regions industrial and large-scale, regional farming operations in Lapeer, Michigan. The widening and expansion of approximately two miles of Shaw Road from Brown City Road to M-53, and installation of a left turn lane at the Shaw Road and M-53 intersection will help support local agri-industrial businesses. Lapeer County’s unemployment rate remains elevated above the national average, and the COVID-19 pandemic caused severe disruptions to the regional economy. As an important industrial corridor for the County, Shaw Road is an important commercial link for the region’s major employers. Once completed, the upgrades will prevent damage to roadway shoulders during severe weather events, address the region’s needs, and provide additional space and infrastructure for new and existing businesses to grow, which will create and save jobs and strengthen the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 75 jobs, save 226 jobs, and leverage $6,000,000 in private investment.
- $1,203,205, matched by $407,407 in local investment, to the Maine Space Grant Consortium, Augusta/Kennebec County, Maine, to support the Maine Space Grant Consortium with developing the Maine SpacePort Complex by adding workforce development, business development and external engagement elements to the Maine SpacePort Complex strategic plan completed in February 2022, which focuses on site and facilities evaluation, initial design, financial and industry analyses, and the identification of funding options. Once completed, the project will help advance long term economic vitality and sustainability, bolster job creation, attract private investment, and strengthen the regional economy.
- $1,057,080, matched by $264,270 in local investment, to the Cayuga County Industrial Development Agency/Cayuga County Water and Sewer Authority, Ashburn/Cayuga County, New York, to fund construction of a new wastewater pumping station and approximately 5,400LF of force main, to support the expansion of two dairy manufacturing plants in Auburn, New York. Once completed, the project will help the region with recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic, bolster job creation, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 70 jobs and leverage $107,400,000 in private investment.
- $948,000, matched by $237,000 in local investment, to City of Streator/Streator Community Development Foundation, Streator/La Salle County, Illinois, to support the renovation of the Streator Incubator building and provide enhanced small business start-up incubation services for the Illinois region. The city’s unemployment rate was driven higher by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulted in several business closures throughout the area. The Streator Incubator is a source of economic activity and new business growth. The project work includes architectural, HVAC, IT, safety, and parking improvements. The newly renovated incubator building and technical assistance provided by the incubator staff and partners will be an attractive destination for high-growth start-ups and entrepreneurs throughout the LaSalle County region. The resulting new businesses and jobs created at the incubator will help the region recover, diversify, and be more resilient in the face of future economic shocks like the pandemic. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 50 jobs and leverage $1,000,000 in private investment.
- $914,465, matched by $330,000 in local investment, to the Berkshire Innovation Center, Inc., Pittsfield/Berkshire County, Massachusetts, to support the launching of the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC) Manufacturing Academy, which will be supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Initiative for Knowledge and Innovation in Manufacturing. The BIC Manufacturing Academy will foster the growth of the advanced manufacturing sector in Western Massachusetts through technical assistance and workforce development programs that will help close the gap between local supply chain capabilities and the needs of larger manufacturers through ongoing education, training, and technology-based support. Once completed, the project will help the region recover from the coronavirus pandemic, by promoting job creation and retention, which will bolster economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 270 jobs, save 153 jobs, and leverage $12,600,000 in private investment.
- $900,000, matched by $540,000 in local investment, to the Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority, Columbus/Franklin County, Ohio, to capitalize a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) to serve the City of Columbus and greater Franklin County, Ohio. The sudden shock of the COVID-19 pandemic devastated businesses in the Columbus and Franklin County region, leading to severe job losses and disinvestment since 2020. Additionally, workers displaced by the pandemic have increasingly turned to entrepreneurship. The new RLF will provide the region’s small businesses with a critical source of capital to help them recover from losses in the ongoing pandemic and be more resilient to future economic shocks. Once implemented, the RLF will promote job creation and retention, attract private investment, and bolster economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 40 jobs, save 80 jobs, and leverage $400,000 in private investment.
- $640,000, matched by $160,000 in local investment, to the City of Pulaski, Pulaski/Giles County, Tennessee, to fund water improvements to serve current industries located in the South Industrial Park and future expansion for other companies in Pulaski, Tennessee. The project will deliver safe, dependable, potable water to the area and provide more water capacity and pressure, which will further enhance the fire suppression systems for the current industries, thus making it safer for their employees. Once completed, the project will address health and safety needs in the region, which will help stabilize and increase the working population and boost resiliency of the local economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 81 jobs, save 13 jobs, and leverage $8,500,000 in private investment.
- $418,832, matched by $104,798 in local investment, to the City of Lake View, Lake View/Sac County, Iowa, to support a water main expansion and extension to allow a local manufacturer to expand its facility in Lake View, Iowa. The expanded water flow capacity will ensure the community's infrastructure can support potential future larger scale industrial or commercial development along the corridor through which the water main will extend. Once completed, the project will allow for diversification into additional product lines and additional space for product storage, increasing the employer's and the community's resiliency. Once completed, the project will help create in-demand jobs in the region, which will assist local business expansions and recruitment of new businesses to the community. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 83 jobs and leverage $9,000,000 in private investment.
- $416,000, matched by $224,818 in local investment, to the Louisiana Chamber of Commerce Foundation, New Orleans/Orleans County (Project: Lake Charles/Calcasieu County), Louisiana, to support the establishment of a Business Innovation Center (BIC) in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The BIC will provide entrepreneurs with a variety of high-quality technical support and training opportunities and an empowering network of potential collaborators—yielding innovative business solutions, economic growth and resilience, and an increase in employment across the region. Once completed, the project will help create in-demand jobs in the region, which will assist local business expansions and recruitment of new businesses to the community. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 100 jobs, save 60 jobs, and leverage $2,000,000 in private investment.
- $250,000, matched by $75,000 in local investment, to the Rockies Venture Institute, Denver/Denver County, Colorado, to support the creation of a business accelerator program and expanding access to startup mentorship and services in Denver, Colorado. The program will feature four main elements: three Hyper Accelerators, a monthly Pitch Academy, three investor connections events and the five rounds of follow-up engagement with investors and syndication. The four elements will help entrepreneurs in Colorado secure investors and grow their businesses. Once implemented, the program will foster new private capital investment, partnerships, and job creation, while bolstering activity for existing businesses, to boost economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 65 jobs.
- $240,530, matched by $60,500 in local investment, to the Colorado State University, Fort Collins/Larimer County, Colorado, to support Colorado State University (CSU) with completing a Broadband Plan and Feasibility Study that will analyze CSU sites and determine optimal ways to address broadband gaps identified in rural areas throughout the region. The project will lay the groundwork to enhance rural broadband access, with CSU sites serving as anchor tenants for broadband delivery to the sites, and then through the sites to local communities. Once completed, the project will create employment opportunities in sustainable industries for the region’s workforce and advance economic resiliency.
- Seven Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Projects for $11,402,891, matched by $3,144,431 in local investments, to help accelerate the recovery of the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation industry and build back the communities that depend on the industry.
- $4,889,600, matched by $1,222,400 in local investment, to the Town of Skowhegan, Skowhegan/Sommerset County, Maine, to fund the Whitewater Recreation project, to support the Town of Skowhegan with constructing the downtown portion of the whitewater park in Somerset County, Maine. The project work includes creating two whitewater rapid features through excavation of existing river and bank bedrock; constructing new river rock outcroppings; and reshaping the river bottom. In addition, features will utilize drop and water velocity to enhance existing rapids and create whitewater waves for high-quality recreation. The whitewater park is a destination and national events venue, and this project will help drive visitation, support business growth and retention, attract new entrepreneurs and residents, spur private investment and job creation, and diversify the tax base, resulting in a stronger and more resilient economy in the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 40 jobs, save 136 jobs, and leverage $37,800,000 in private investment.
- $1,860,263, matched by $513,000 in local investment, to the City of Fort Pierre, Fort Pierre/Stanley County, South Dakota, to fund construction of a pedestrian bridge, outdoor visitor plaza, recreational trail, outdoor exhibits and art installations, and landscaping to create more recreational opportunities in Fort Pierre, South Dakota. The project improvements will directly impact the Tatanka Trail development area, which supports South Dakota’s central region in its efforts to address impacts in the travel and tourism industry as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, save jobs, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 50 jobs and leverage $37,000,000 in private investment.
- $1,650,000, matched by $550,000 in local investment, to the City of Daphne, Daphne/Baldwin County, Alabama, to support the purchase and installation of synthetic turf for ten baseball/softball fields at the Daphne Sports Complex, providing groundbreaking facilities to boost the sports tourism industry in coastal Alabama. The project will diversify, expand and enhance the outdoor recreation economy in the city of Daphne. Synthetic turf is a popular attraction, allowing Daphne Sports Complex to be more competitive in scheduling tournaments. Once completed, the project will help strengthen tourism recovery from the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic in the area, which will help restore and retain existing jobs to build resiliency to withstand future economic disruptions. The grantee estimates that this investment will help leverage $1,000,000.
- $1,149,900, matched by $383,300 in local investment, to the City of Kokomo, Kokomo/Howard County, Indiana, to support the construction of drainage and sanitary sewer improvements to serve the Kokomo Speedway in Howard County, Indiana. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, flooding issues at the Speedway resulted in several cancellations every year, and pandemic-related event cancellations devastated the local economy that relies on Speedway events as a major source of revenue. The project improvements will resolve the ongoing flood impacts at the Speedway and will ensure continuity of operations for this critical regional economic driver. Once completed, the project will enhance the visitor experience in Kokomo, which will assist in the area's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 50 jobs, save 113 jobs, and leverage $2,900,000 in private investment.
- $678,128, matched by $169,533 in local investment, to Santa Fe County, Santa Fe/Santa County, New Mexico, to support the construction of a trail segment to improve the Santa Fe Rail Trail, a 15-mile regional trail that provides a significant opportunity for the County to leverage its natural resources in New Mexico. The County is recognized for and committed to enhancing its outdoor recreation and ecotourism opportunities. Tourism in Santa Fe was a major economic force, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry collapsed and resulted in huge losses in visitor spending and related jobs. The project will help revitalize tourism in the area by providing a multi-modal outdoor corridor connecting existing railyard districts to the historical town of Lamy. Once completed, the project will help restore and retain existing jobs to build resiliency to withstand future economic disruptions.
- $900,000, matched by $233,298 in local investment, to the El Paso County Water Control and Improvement District #4, Fabens/El Paso County, Texas, to fund construction of improvements of the Veterans Park Memorial and recreation area in Fabens, Texas. The economy of Fabens relies primarily on agricultural revenues, which are currently being impacted by prolonged drought conditions. Veterans Park is maintained by a collaboration through El Paso County Water Control and Improvement District #4, Fabens Independent School District, and El Paso County. The park serves as a safe, recreational venue for its citizens to enjoy by celebrating its rich Mexican and Military culture. The project will immediately impact commerce in the area by increasing tourism thus creating job and business opportunities for the surrounding areas. Once completed, the project will encourage new business ventures, create new jobs opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency in the area.
- $275,000, matched by $72,900 in local investment, to the City of Mena, Mena/Polk County, Arkansas, to support the construction of a mountain biking trail to add to the existing network of mountain bike trails in Polk and Montgomery Counties, Arkansas. Approximately 6 miles of trails will be constructed, helping to expand existing businesses as part of an overall community plan, including a mountain bike base camp at an empty school. The former middle school is located just 1.5 miles from the project site and the facility and a basecamp for mountain bikers and other outdoor enthusiasts with the downstairs to be retail and the upstairs residential will enhance established businesses as well as others in the process of opening and future businesses. Once completed, the project will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.
- Four Coal Communities Commitment Projects for $13,489,571, matched by $9,795,192 in local investments, to support coal-reliant communities’ expansion into new industry sectors and recovery from the pandemic in local investments, to support coal-reliant communities’ expansion into new industry sectors and recovery from the pandemic.
- $5,500,000, matched by $1,500,000 in local investment, to the Canaan Valley Public Service District, Davis/Tucker County, West Virginia, to support the construction of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a capacity of 120,000 gallons per day (GPD) to replace the failing treatment systems in the State Park. The WWTP will be located adjacent to the existing package plant near the Canaan Valley Resort lodge in Davis, West Virginia, where over 300,000 people visit annually for the numerous tourism and business attractions. Once completed, the project will help improve water quality and reduce the volume of pollutants entering the Blackwater River, as the new WWTP will be equipped with more advanced treatment technology than the current facilities, which will advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 113 jobs, save 165 jobs, and leverage $12,300,000 in private investment.
- $3,000,000, matched by $758,270 in local investment, to the City of Henderson, Henderson/Henderson County, Kentucky, to support the construction of a new high pressure natural gas distribution line to service a new advanced technology paper mill in Kentucky. The project will help diversify and broaden the industrial base in Henderson County and Western Kentucky, while taking advantage of a growing market created through the pandemic and will provide a sustainable, clean business model that will be a significant contributor to the economic recovery of Western Kentucky. Once completed, the project will create and save jobs, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 320 jobs and leverage $400,000,000 in private investment.
- $2,489,571, matched by $2,036,922 in local investment, to the City of Ottawa, Ottawa/La Salle County, Illinois, to support the city of Ottawa with improving traffic conditions and safety in the City’s nearly 250-acre industrial area, which includes more than 75 acres of undeveloped lots that are available for development in La Salle County, Illinois. By improving the East Stevenson Road, the city will help address economic distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated job losses and business closures in the area. Once completed, the project will address the region’s needs and provide additional space and infrastructure for new and existing businesses to grow, which will create additional jobs and strengthen the regional economy to advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 592 jobs, save 425 jobs, and leverage $20,000,000 in private investment.
- $2,500,000, matched by $3,500,000 in local investment, to the Center for Metal Arts, Inc./Pittsburgh Gateway Corporation, Johnston/Cambria County, Pennsylvania, to support the Center for Metal Arts, Inc. with upgrading three National Historic Landmark Structures on the former Cambria Iron and Steel site in downtown Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The project will bring revitalization to the iconic structures, which will allow a complete Center for Metal Arts campus to be utilized for metalworks training, workforce development, education, and the heritage tourism industry. Once completed, the project will help the region with recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic, bolster job creation, spur private investment, strengthen economic growth, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 191 jobs, save 38 jobs, and leverage $350,000 in private investment.
- Nineteen (19) Economic Adjustment Assistance Projects for $35,014,582 matched by $14,165,699 in local investments, to help communities nationwide plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through infrastructure, technical assistance, planning, and revolving loan programs designed to meet their local needs.
- $11,106,316 in four Economic Adjustment Assistance projects, matched by $3,339,209 in local investments, as follows:
- $3,900,000 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $975,000 in local investment, to the Wyoming County Economic Development Authority, Pineville/Wyoming County, West Virginia, to support construction of three pre-engineered metal buildings in the Barkers Creek Industrial Park in Pineville, West Virginia. The project will create leasable space for an environmentally friendly manufacturer of carbon products used in finished products such as electric vehicle batteries, radar absorbing military aircrafts, high quality asphalt binder for road and bridges. The project is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the coal pitch process by approximately 99%, which will help increase economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry and provide a new industry to create and retain high paying jobs and attract private investment. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 59 jobs and leverage $85,000,000 in private investment.
- $3,101,216 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $775,304 in local investment, to the Watermark Auto Group Foundation, Marion/Williamson County, Illinois, to support the Watermark Auto Group, a 501c3 foundation, with renovating an existing building, known as the Citadel, built in 1914 located in the heart of Marion, Illinois, to create the Ethos Business Incubator. The new incubator will provide 21,000 square feet of space for small business training and related services as well as leasable space to be occupied by small businesses and entrepreneurs. The project will help boost entrepreneurship and small business growth as both a source of new economic diversity and a way to assist workers displaced by the coal industry’s transition. Once completed, the project will increase capacity and attract private investment to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 150 jobs and leverage $750,000 in private investment.
- $2,105,100 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $526,275 in local investment, to the City of Batesville, Batesville/Independence County, Arkansas, to support the city of Batesville with constructing roads and related water and sewer infrastructure to serve their current industrial park. A coal-centered community for decades, the city is a regional hub for industry in and around Independence County, Arkansas. With closure of a major coal plant located in the county, the city anticipates the loss of jobs and impact on the community will be substantial. To alleviate these effects, the project will include the construction of three new roads to improve access and connection to the industrial park. Once completed, the project will help the city meet the growing demand for growing industrial space in the area. Additionally, the project would improve water and sewer lines to better serve the park, which will help support job retention, create new opportunities, and attract private investment to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 200 jobs and leverage $30,000,000 in private investment.
- $2,000,000, matched by $1,062,630 in local investment, to the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton, Morrilton/Conway County, Arkansas, to support the construction of an Allied Health and Science Center to consolidate the school’s health professional training programs from a number of smaller existing buildings on the UACCM Campus to a new, state of the art facility in Morrilton, Arkansas. The new facility will add multiple science classrooms and labs replacing current spaces that double as classroom/labs due to space constraints. Once completed, the project will help strengthen and diversify the regional economy, which will attract private investment, create jobs, and serve as a catalyst for regional economic growth.
- $5,907,971 in three Public Works projects, matched by $3,348,401 in local investments, as follows:
- $2,337,971, matched by $2,337,971 in local investment, to the Town of Jaffrey/Town of Peterborough, Jaffrey/Cheshire County, New Hampshire, to support the Town of Jaffrey with constructing the Cold Stone Springs Water System Project in Jaffrey, New Hampshire. The project includes construction of a water treatment plant and transmission lines to provide sufficient quality and quantity of water in support manufacturing operations. In addition, the project will increase the capacity and treatment level of Jaffrey's public water supply system, which will allow MilliporeSigma, a large manufacturer located in Jaffrey that employs over 1,000 people, to purchase new equipment, upgrade its facility, and hire new employees. This company's products are used in vaccine and serum production to prevent and treat COVID. Once completed, the project will generate an environment that can serve as a catalyst for unprecedented regional economic growth. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 100 jobs and leverage $40,000,000 in private investment.
- $2,070,000, matched by $635,430 in local investment, to the Okmulgee Area Development Corporation, Okmulgee/Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, to support the construction of infrastructure improvements at the Okmulgee Business Complex (OBC) in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. The redevelopment of this brownfield will help attract manufacturing businesses and encourage exports in the area. The OBC is an unfinished industrial park located at US Highway 75 and Fairgrounds Road in Okmulgee. Project RISE seeks to finalize construction efforts to ensure the infrastructure is viable for company construction. Once completed, the project will help serve businesses and residents in Okmulgee and beyond, which will promote future private investment and industry expansions, bolster job creation, and strengthen resiliency within the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 75 jobs and leverage $50,000,000 in private investment.
- $1,500,000, matched by $375,000 in local investment, to the Weslaco Economic Development Corporation, Weslaco/Hidalgo County, Texas, to support the construction of infrastructure improvements for the 146-acre Mid Valley International Industrial Park in Hidalgo County, Texas. These improvements will facilitate development for approximately 20-25 companies to build facilities for commercial, industrial, cold storage and warehousing. Once completed, the project will help with recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic by creating jobs, increasing private investment, and strengthening the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 600 jobs and leverage $275,000,000 in private investment.
- $1,128,500 in 10 Technical Assistance University Center projects, matched by $1,142,782.93 in local investments, to support the fifth year of a five-year University Center program, which is a competitively based partnership between EDA and academic institutions that makes the varied and vast resources of universities available to the economic development practitioner community. The program provides technical assistance and research and development tools to increase productivity, spur innovation, and promote entrepreneurship to help increase long-term regional competitiveness and economic diversification.
- $1,111,609 in seven Partnership Planning projects, matched by $960,000 in local investments, to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS). The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.