
May 4 - 8, 2020

  • EDA announced nine investments from May 4-8, 2020, totaling $13,038,440, which is matched by $10,419,085 in local investments. These investments include the following: (1) $11,063,940 in four Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to help communities design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to their economy in response to structural damage to their underlying economic base, which includes two investments totaling $8,763,940 that will help create 80 jobs and leverage $16,000,000 in private investments; (2) $1,500,000 in one Public Works project to help communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure that will help create 235 jobs; (3) $72,000 in two Local Technical Assistance projects to strengthen the capacity of local or state organizations and institutions to undertake and promote effective economic development programs; and (4) $402,500 in two Partnership Planning projects to support the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy process.
    • $11,063,940 in four Economic Adjustment Assistance projects, matched by $2,889,985 in local investments, as follows:
      • $6,458,400 in 2019 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $1,614,600 in local investment, to the City of Yankton, Yankton/Yankton County, South Dakota, to support the City with upgrading its water treatment infrastructure near an Opportunity Zone in Yankton County. The project will replace the water treatment plant’s electrical main gear, install a power generator for effluent pumping, upgrade pre-treatment room influent screens, replace process pumps with dry pit submersible pumps, and construct a new equalization basin. The improvements will increase capacity for businesses and promote resiliency following flood damage in 2019, which will help create jobs, promote economic diversification, and strengthen the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 50 jobs and leverage $11,000,000 in private investment.
      • $2,305,540 in 2019 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $576,385 in local investment, to the Economic Development Authority of Floyd County, Floyd/Floyd County, Virginia, to fund construction of the Floyd Growth Center Building for skilled trades and innovative production in Floyd County. The project will assist the region with recovery efforts from the 2018 floods by providing a resilient space to address business continuity concerns while promoting job growth in the area. Once completed, the project will help Floyd County High School students with job shadowing, internships, and part-time job experiences, which will help bolster economic diversification, attract private investment, and strengthen the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 30 jobs and leverage $5,000,000 in private investment.
      • $2,000,000 in 2019 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $399,000 in local investment, to the Southeast Arkansas Economic Development District, Inc., Pine Bluff/Jefferson County, Arkansas, to support the Southeast Arkansas Economic Development District, Inc. (SEAEDD) with establishing a new headquarters facility in Pine Bluff. The current SEAEDD building is in major disrepair, and the new space will allow for continued disaster resiliency and recovery efforts by offering more classrooms for trainings and outreach. Once completed, the project will increase capacity for pre-disaster planning and post-disaster cleanup coordination and offer apprenticeship that focus on disaster recovery and resiliency projects within the region, which will provide long-term economic growth.
      • $300,000, matched by $300,000 in local investment, to the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, Providence/Providence County, Rhode Island, to support the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank with conducting a study of the Newport Naval Station’s surplus property for transfer to Middletown, Portsmouth, and the city of Newport in Rhode Island. The study will aid communities in developing plans for the effective re-use of Navy-owned infrastructure for commercial and public use of the assets to be transferred to the municipalities. Once completed, the project will expand the competitiveness of an industrial cluster to benefit Opportunity Zone communities and serve as a catalyst for long-term economic growth throughout the region.
    • $1,500,000 in one Public Works project, matched by $7,054,600 in local investment, as follows:
      • $1,500,000, matched by $7,054,600 in local investment, to the Northern Wyoming Community College District, Sheridan/Sheridan County, New York, to support the Northern Wyoming Community College District with renovating its current Health Sciences Center to meet the growing demand for healthcare workers in Sheridan County, a designated Opportunity Zone. The project will provide adequate learning space to train students for healthcare jobs with the Indian Health Services as well as private healthcare facilities. Once completed, the project will bolster long-term economic growth by providing a pipeline of skilled healthcare workers, which will enhance the advancement of resiliency throughout an area hit hard by the decline of the coal industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 235 jobs.
    • $72,000 in two Local Technical Assistance projects, matched by $72,000 in local investments, as follows:
      • $52,000, matched by $52,000 in local investment, to the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District, Bozeman/Gallatin County, Montana, to support the city of Bozeman with developing a conduit utility master plan and being the transition for operating the conduit system as its own revenue generating fund. The project will help address the local and regional need for high quality, high speed internet connectivity, which will aid existing businesses and create the environment for further business expansion throughout the region.
      • $20,000, matched by $20,000 in local investment, to the County of Cheyenne, Cheyenne/Cheyenne County, Colorado, to fund the development of the Opportunity Zone Community Prospectus to identify specific industries and types of private investors that align with the growth, vision, and economic strengths of Cheyenne County. The project will help local leadership determine the best plan for attracting industries such as infrastructure improvements and workforce development, which will lead to the creation of jobs and businesses throughout the region.
    • $402,500 in two Partnership Planning projects, matched by $402,500 in local investments, to support the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) process. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.