Archived Grants Content
Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.
September 16 - 20, 2019
- EDA announced 16 investments from September 16-20, 2019, totaling $12,583,865, which is matched by $8,661,983 in local investments. These investments include the following: (1) $8,086,838 in 12 Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to help communities design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to their economy in response to structural damage to their underlying economic base; which includes five projects for $6,421,627 that will help create 776 jobs and leverage $280,000 in private investments; (2) $4,390,000 in three Public Works projects to help communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure, which includes two projects for $3,640,000 that will help create 185 jobs, save 15 jobs, and leverage $17,000,000 in private investments; and (3) $107,027 in one Local Technical Assistance project to strengthen the capacity of local or state organizations and institutions to undertake and promote effective economic development programs.
- $8,086,838 in 12 Economic Adjustment Assistance projects, matched by $3,992,547 in local investments, as follows:
- $4,200,000 in 2018 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $1,100,000 in local investment, to the West Calcasieu Port, Sulphur/Calcasieu County, Louisiana, to fund improvements of port infrastructure in West Calcasieu County. The project includes construction of a bulkhead and crane pad for loading and unloading barges at West Calcasieu Port. Once completed, this project will enhance resiliency after natural disasters, support private investment, create jobs, and drive regional economic growth. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 400 jobs.
- $860,000, matched by $277,500 in local investment, to the Pennsylvania Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc., Russell/Warren County, Pennsylvania, to support the Pennsylvania Wilds Center in developing a virtual retail and marketplace platform, which will allow the sales of manufactured goods locally and internationally in Warren County. This investment diversifies the region’s economy and supports the growth of job opportunities, business expansion, entrepreneurship, and will increase foreign direct investments. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 75 jobs.
- $835,592, matched by $835,582 in local investment, to the Wisconsin Energy Research Consortium, Milwaukee/Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, to support the Wisconsin Energy Research Consortium (WERC) with the purchase and installation of equipment at the WERC training facility in Milwaukee County. The project will help establish an innovative instructional program in the energy, power, and control sector. The program will provide a pipeline of trained workers for existing and future businesses, which will create new jobs for the region's workforce and provide long-term economic stability. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 250 jobs.
- $600,000 in 2018 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $150,000 in local investment, to the Deep East Texas Council of Governments, Jasper/Jasper County, Texas, to support the Deep East Texas Council of Governments with developing an engineering strategic plan that will strengthen the broadband infrastructure and promote resiliency against future disasters in Jasper County. Once completed, the project will provide long-term economic growth, support business development, and create new jobs throughout the region.
- $587,200 in 2018 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $146,800 in local investment, to the City of Blackfoot, Blackfoot/Bingham County, Idaho, to fund the engineering design of a replacement for a deteriorating bridge in the city of Blackfoot. Once completed, this critical infrastructure will promote resiliency after natural disasters, facilitate workforce development, and drive economic growth throughout the region.
- $586,786 in 2018 Disaster Supplemental funds, matched by $396,330 in local investment, to the Government of the Virgin Islands, Saint Thomas/Saint Thomas County, Virgin Islands, to amend an existing grant to fund a disaster resiliency plan that assists the United States Virgin Islands Bureau of Economic Research with developing a Post-Disaster Resiliency Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Tourism Master Plan. The planning strategy will focus on reconstruction and rebuilding towards resiliency while diversifying the economy to promote a quick recovery and make it more hardened to withstand future impacts of economic, natural, and other disasters. Once completed, the project will help lead to the creation of jobs and businesses throughout the region.
- $426,035, matched by $426,035 in local match, to the University Corporation at Monterey Bay, Seaside/Monterey County, California, to support the development of the Startup Monterey Bay Launchpad, an incubator program that provides services to entrepreneurs in the Seaside region. The program will provide technical and business assistance, mentorship, education and access to resources for startup companies in the area. Once completed, the project will explore strategies to help increase economic diversification and resiliency throughout the region, which will attract private investment and create jobs. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 30 jobs and leverage $280,000 in private investment.
- $200,000 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $200,000 in local investment, to the Rural Policy and Public Lands Institute, Inc. and Grow Economy, Inc., Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado, to support the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado with conducting an analysis of Moffat, Route, and Rio Blanco counties in Colorado and Carbon, Emery, and San Juan counties in Utah, which were impacted by the retraction in coal demand. The project will help establish long-term recovery efforts and provide a roadmap for increasing demand in the coal industry through innovative coal-derived products, which will create sustainable jobs throughout the region.
- $191,225, matched by $199,300 in local investment, to the Oregon Technology Business Center, Beaverton/Washington County, Oregon, to fund the development of a technical assistance and entrepreneurial training program to deliver business formation, investor, mentor, and seed fund management instruction to the counties of Coos, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill, which are located in western and southwestern Oregon. Once completed, the project will help generate more economic opportunities for the region, which will diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
- $150,000, matched by $150,000 in local investment, to the Western Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council, Hagerstown/Washington County, Maryland, to support the development of the Forestry Economic Strategy, an action plan and strategy for countering the economic impact of numerous mill closures across the state of Maryland. Once completed, the plan will provide a roadmap for capitalizing on new opportunities in the forest industry, which will lead to the creation of jobs and businesses in designated Opportunity Zones throughout the region.
- $100,000, matched by $100,000 in local investment, to the Southeastern Utah Economic Development District, Price/Carbon County, Utah, to support the Southeastern Utah Economic Development District with partnering with the University of Utah-Eastern and Utah’s Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) program, to promote economic development tools in order to diversify the rural economies of Carbon, Daggett, Duchesne, Emery, Grand, San Juan, and Uintah counties in Utah. The project will help access and leverage current state programs to provide workforce training and retraining to meet industry needs and certify and train private businesses to increase demand for products and services in designated Opportunity Zones. In addition, the project will provide a pipeline of trained workers for existing and future businesses, which will create new jobs for the region's workforce and provide long-term economic stability. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 21 jobs.
- $100,000, matched by $11,000 in local investment, to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Fort Hall/Bingham County, Idaho, to fund a feasibility study to determine the economic impact of developing a modular housing fabrication plant on the Shoshone-Bannock reservation, to serve residents in Bingham County, Idaho. Once completed, the study will provide a plan for future implementation, which will increase job opportunities and strengthen the regional economy.
- $4,390,000 in three Public Works projects, matched by $4,562,000 in local investments, as follows:
- $3,000,000, matched by $3,000,000 in local investment, to the city of Pendleton, Pendleton/Umatilla County, Oregon, to fund the construction of Unmanned Aerial Systems test range facilities that includes a T-Hangar infrastructure, to allow access to roads leading to the city of Pendleton’s Eastern Oregon Regional Airport in Umatilla County. This project will provide innovative design and technology that supports growing and emerging clusters within the region, while attracting private investments, and creating job opportunities. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 35 jobs, save 15 jobs, and leverage $2,000,000 in private investment.
- $750,00, matched by $750,000 in local investment, to the University of Maine System, Orono/Penobscot County, Maine, to support the purchase and installation of new, state-of-the-art metal manufacturing equipment to replace the obsolete equipment that is no longer relevant to current manufacturing technology in Penobscot County. The new equipment will enable the Advanced Manufacturing Center to provide innovative technical assistance to manufacturing business and retain jobs in the region’s declining manufacturing workforce.
- $640,000, matched by $812,000 in local investment, to the city of Greenberg and the Green Economic Team, Inc., of Greenburg/Green County, Kentucky, to fund the renovation and expansion of industrial facilities in the Greensburg/Green County Industrial Park. The project will build out an existing shell building located in the Industrial Park to support the growth of manufacturing businesses in a designated Opportunity Zone. Once completed, the project will strengthen the local economy, promote private investment, and create jobs. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 150 jobs and leverage $15,000,000 in private investment.
- $107,027 in one Local Technical Assistance project matched by $107,436 in local investment, to strengthen the capacity of local or state organizations and institutions to undertake and promote effective economic development programs through projects such as feasibility studies, impact analyses, disaster resiliency plans, and project planning.
- $8,086,838 in 12 Economic Adjustment Assistance projects, matched by $3,992,547 in local investments, as follows: