Archived Grants Content

Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.


September 9 - 14, 2022

EDA announced 56 investments from September 9-14, 2022, totaling $74,912,858.74, which is matched by $20,443,646.85 in local investments. These investments include the following: (1) $267,837 in one Economic Adjustment Assistance-COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency (Cares Act) Project to help alleviate sudden and severe economic dislocation caused by the coronavirus pandemic; (2) $63,728,424 in 28 American Rescue Plan Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to respond to and recover from the devastating impacts to the economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes 19 projects for $55,283,510 that will help create 4,436 jobs, save 929 jobs, and leverage $525,828,688 in private investments; (3) $4,657,739 in six Economic Adjustment Assistance projects to help communities design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to their economy in response to structural damage to their underlying economic base, which includes 2 projects for $3,104,173 that will help create 83 jobs, save 40 jobs, and leverage $3,780,000 in private investments; (4) $3,950,000 in one Public Works project to help communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure that will help save 350 jobs and leverage $11,000,000 in private investment; (5) $673,088.74 in seven Local Technical Assistance projects to strengthen the capacity of local or state organizations and institutions to undertake and promote effective economic development programs; (6) $589,770 in four Technical Assistance University Center projects to make the varied and vast resources of universities available to the economic development practitioner community; and (7) $1,046,000 in nine Partnership Planning projects to support the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy process.

  • $267,837 in one Economic Adjustment Assistance COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Project, matched by $74,958 in local investment, as follows:
    • $267,837, matched by $74,958 in local investment, to the Sierra Business Council, Truckee/Nevada County, California, to support the Sierra Business Council with providing planning and technical assistance services to aid in the recovery from two devastating fires in Northern California. These services will identify workforce and training programs needed to promote new job growth and diversify the economy, as well as prioritize key infrastructure repairs. Once completed, the project will increase higher paying job opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.
  • $63,728,424 in 28 American Rescue Plan projects, matched by $15,401,242 in local investments, as follows:
    • Seven Economic Adjustment Assistance Projects for $17,685,170, matched by $5,727,615 in local investments, to help communities nationwide plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through infrastructure, technical assistance, planning, and revolving loan programs designed to meet their local needs.
      • $6,696,030, matched by $1,674,008 in local investment, to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Palmer/Matanuska Susitna County, Alaska, to support the Matanuska-Susitna Borough with boosting tourism through the development of new visitor infrastructure and amenities in Palmer, Alaska. The project will provide local businesses with retail space and the opportunity to connect with visitors in a central location. Once completed, the project will support start-up and emerging businesses, with the goals of diversifying and building the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 158 jobs and save 20 jobs.
      • $5,755,280, matched by $1,438,820 in local investment, to the City of Fosston, Fosston/Polk County, Minnesota, to support the city of Fosston with helping to boost business growth by making infrastructure upgrades needed to expand the city’s existing airport industrial park in Minnesota. The project will provide expanded road, water, wastewater, and natural gas capacity to create eight new industrial park lots, as well as construction of a six-unit multi-use hangar at the airport to encourage new fixed-base operators to locate there. These improvements will foster new private capital investment, partnerships, and job creation, while bolstering activity for existing businesses, to boost economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 250 jobs, save 100 jobs, and leverage $50,000,000 in private investment.
      • $2,504,000, matched by $626,000 in local investment, to the City of Gregory, Gregory/San Patricio County, Texas, to support making water infrastructure improvements needed to spur business growth in San Patricio County, Texas. The project will create improved water service and expanded capacity to support manufacturing and industrial business growth and job creation in the region. Once completed, the project will help the city sustain recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, which will strengthen and diversify the regional economy and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 2,000 jobs.
      • $1,750,000, matched by $1,250,000 in local investment, to the Biomedical Research and Innovation Park/State Department of Louisiana Economic Development, Monroe/Ouachita County, Louisiana, to support the Biomedical Research and Innovation Park with constructing road and utilities infrastructure at a biotechnology research facility within the research park in Monroe, Louisiana. The project will provide new and emerging biotechnology and compatible businesses with research facilities to support business growth. Once completed, the project will help strengthen and diversify the regional economy, to boost economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 175 jobs.
      • $479,860, matched by $120,387 in local investment, to the University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha/Douglas County, Nebraska, to support implementation of the SourceLink Expansion project, to connect a series of strategic actions, initiatives, and resources to connect entrepreneurs and business owners with Nebraska nonprofit, government, and education resource partner organization resources available statewide, providing a structured, no-cost system to elevate accessibility and transparency for the statewide business development resources partner network. The project will help better serve existing industries and create good-paying jobs, which will bolster job creation, spur private investment, and strengthen the regional economy.
      • $400,000, matched by $74,650 in local investment, to Exponential Impact, Colorado Springs/El Paso County, Colorado, to support Exponential Impact with launching Survive and Thrive (S&T) to advance El Paso County’s economic recovery and future stability following the COVID-19 pandemic in Colorado. The mission of the S&T initiative is to achieve equitable outcomes for recovering small businesses by providing holistic support with an emphasis on underrepresented founders who were disproportionately affected by the pandemic. In addition, the S&T initiative combines community, capacity building, and access to capital to offer immediate relief to organizations and enhance future resilience. The program will help business owners in El Paso County grow their businesses and create new jobs in the community, which will help strengthen and diversify the regional economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 284 jobs and leverage $330,000 in private investment.
      • $100,000, matched by $43,750 in local investment, to the Montbello Organizing Committee, Denver/Denver County, Colorado, to support the Montbello Organizing Committee with conducting a feasibility study to determine the viability of a business incubator in the Greater Montbello Area. This incubator would serve as the cornerstone of Montbello Organizing Committee's Building Wealth from Within Initiative, which aims to work with residents to develop an economic system in Montbello that provides employment and ownership opportunities for residents, protects against displacement and gentrification, and helps residents begin building generational wealth. Once completed, the project will help the region respond to the needs illustrated by the COVID pandemic, which will help strengthen and diversify the regional economy.
    • Six Indigenous Communities Projects for $15,872,598, matched by $150,674 in local investments, to support the needs of Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities.
      • $5,221,305, matched by $150,674 in local investment, to the Walker River Paiute Tribe, Schurz/Mineral County, Nevada, to support the Walker River Paiute Tribe with boosting business development and job growth by improving local water system infrastructure in Schurz, Nevada. The project will support the replacement and expansion of four water mains and the installation of 45 fire hydrants, resolving water system capacity constraints that limit commercial development in the area. Once completed, the project will help the Tribe recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing employment opportunities and advancing economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 20 jobs and save 5 jobs.
      • $4,630,735 to Kawerak, Inc./Savoonga Reindeer Commercial Company, LLC, Nome/Nome County, Alaska, to support Kawerak, Inc. with expanding a successful Alaskan Native enterprise on the Native Village of Savoonga through equipment procurement and facility construction in Alaska. The project will facilitate the expansion of an existing, Native-owned livestock enterprise by providing the resources needed to efficiently process locally harvested reindeer meat for commercial sale. Once completed, the project will serve as an important income generator for the Tribe, which will boost the socioeconomic factors throughout the region. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 133 jobs, save 77 jobs, and leverage $612,000 in private investment.
      • $2,400,000 to the Taos Pueblo Central Management System, Taos/Taos County, New Mexico, to support installation of utility infrastructure, construction of internal roads/parking, and completion of building renovations at the Taos Pueblo Heritage Center in Taos, New Mexico. The Center will be a gateway to Taos Pueblo that will create workforce opportunities for tribal members and Taos County residents. Once completed, the project will help spur Tribal workforce opportunities and boost tourism in the region.
      • $2,000,000 to the Picuris Pueblo Indian Tribe, Penasco/Taos County, New Mexico, to support the Picuris Pueblo Indian Tribe with constructing the Picuris Pueblo Vocational Training Complex, to produce a skilled workforce and create jobs in Penasco, New Mexico. Once completed, the project will help the Tribe boost the socioeconomic factors on the Reservation, which will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency.
      • $1,193,000 to the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, Anadarko/Caddo County, Oklahoma, to support construction of a pharmacy at a Tribal health complex in Anadarko, Oklahoma. The project will provide a pharmacy building that will help advance the economic and health recovery of the Wichita people. In addition, the project will stimulate long-term prosperity and growth, to help spur job creation and diversify the local economy. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 45 jobs.
      • $427,558 to the Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Crandon/Forest County, Wisconsin, to support the creation of an economic development strategy, engaging internal and external stakeholders in economic recovery and resiliency, and evaluating and implementing planning activities in Crandon, Wisconsin. Once completed, the project will help the Tribe recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by establishing a strong foundation for the Tribe’s economic development and job creation efforts for the Mole Lake Reservation.
    • Two ARP Economic Adjustment Assistance Research and Networks Project for $2,064,543, with no local match, to invest in research that assesses the effectiveness of EDA’s programs and provides support for stakeholder communities around key EDA initiatives.
      • $1,466,493 to the Urban Institute, Washington, District of Columbia, to support the Urban Institute and its sub-award, National American Indian Housing Council, with establishing the Community of Practice (CoP) and Research Challenge to Support Indigenous Communities. This research award seeks to support EDA tribal grantees. This three-year initiative will create a CoP to facilitate access to EDA's economic development funding opportunities for tribes and to build tribal capacity for project planning and implementation. Additionally, this project will collect and analyze data on EDA tribal grantees to develop tools and resources to help inform economic development decision-making in these communities.
      • $598,050 to the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Washington, District of Columbia, to support the establishment of the Research Assistance for Outdoor Recreation project. This two-year award to the NGA Center and its sub-award, Oregon State University's (OSU) Center for Outdoor Economy (CORE), will collect and analyze data from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation (TTOR) grant program. This research will result in the development of best practices, case studies, and policy recommendations for innovative economic development approaches in travel, tourism, and outdoor recreation economies.
    • Seven Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Projects for $16,383,644, matched by $2,998,338 in local investments, to help accelerate the recovery of the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation industry and build back the communities that depend on the industry.
      • $4,889,121, matched by $262,379 in local investment, to the City of Guadalupe, Guadalupe/Santa Barbara County, California, to support the City of Guadalupe with improving local tourism infrastructure and amenities in Santa Barbara County, California. The project will facilitate the renovation and remodeling of the historic Royal Theater Building, developing it into a centrally located visitor attraction to stimulate local commercial activity. Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 507 jobs, save 176 jobs, and leverage $11,400,000 in private investment.
      • $4,625,000 to the Lummi Nation, Bellingham/Whatcom County, Washington, to support construction of a new retail marketplace for use by Indigenous artisans and craftspeople where they can sell their wares and continue to attract more tourism to the region. The project will help provide infrastructure needed to support tourism-related business in Bellingham, Washington. Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, save jobs, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 71 jobs, save 139 jobs, and leverage $186,688 in private investment.
      • $2,203,515, matched by $989,985 in local investment, to the Mount Washington Valley Trails Association, North Conway/Carroll County, New Hampshire, to support construction of a 2.2-mile multi-use recreational path that will attract additional visitors to North Conway, New Hampshire. The project will boost tourism by extending an existing path from the Cranmore Mountain Resort north to the Intervale Scenic Vista, which will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism. In addition, the project will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 30 jobs, save 15 jobs, and leverage $70,000,000 in private investment.
      • $1,700,000, matched by $705,740 in local investment, to the City of Van Horn, Van Horn/Culberson County, Texas, to support construction of an elevated water storage to help increase the city’s water capacity, alleviating inadequate water pressure, and supporting commercial, hospitality, and residential growth in Culberson County, Texas. Once completed, the project will assist in the area's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 124 jobs, save 225 jobs, and leverage $25,000,000 in private investment.
      • $1,672,895, matched by $716,955 in local investment, to the City of Florence/Lauderdale County Agriculture Center Authority, Florence/Lauderdale County, Alabama, to support construction of sewer system upgrades to stoke the growth of the local tourism economy in Lauderdale County, Alabama. The project will provide the water and sewer infrastructure capacity needed to service local events and job-training facilities at the Lauderdale County Agricultural Events Center, helping to boost tourism and the regional economy. Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, save jobs, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 7 jobs and save 2 jobs.
      • $900,000, matched by $225,000 in local investment, to the Louisiana Museum Foundation/Louisiana Culture Recreation and Tourism Office of State Museums, New Orleans/New Orleans County, Louisiana, to support the Louisiana Museum Foundation with making campus improvements at the New Orleans Jazz Museum in Orleans County, Louisiana. The project will reconstruct the first-floor café, construct an outdoor stage, and make other ground improvements to attract new visitors to the museum, the city, and other local attractions. Once completed, the project will help the region become more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities and spur private investment throughout the region. The grantee estimate that this investment will help create 30 jobs, save 35 jobs, and leverage $33,000,000 in private investment.
      • $393,113, matched by $98,279 in local investment, to the Northwest Regional Planning Commission, Spooner/Washburn County, Wisconsin, to fund the Northwest Wisconsin Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Opportunities Study, to provide a long-term plan for travel, tourism, and outdoor recreation in northwest Wisconsin. The study will chart a path toward recovery and resilience for the region’s tourism industry. The COVID-19 pandemic, and resulting drop in travel and tourism revenue, devastated the region’s tourism economy and left businesses searching for ways to recover and mitigate future economic disasters. Once completed, the project will help the region become more resilient to fluctuations in tourism and assist in the region's recovery, which will help increase employment opportunities, save jobs, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency in the area.
    • Six Coal Communities Commitment Projects for $11,722,469, matched by $6,524,615 in local investments, to support coal-reliant communities’ expansion into new industry sectors and recovery from the pandemic.
      • $3,194,160, matched by $798,540 in local investment, to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee/Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, to support the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee with building infrastructure and developing the Kneeland Properties site in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The project will support industrial development and create jobs in a community impacted by the declining use of coal. Once completed, the project will help the region diversify its local economy, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 140 jobs and leverage $10,500,000 in private investment.
      • $2,789,869, matched by $593,423 in local investment, to Campbell County/City of Gillette, Gillette/Campbell County, Wyoming, to support construction of infrastructure necessary to support building the Pronghorn Industrial Park, to attract heavy industrial companies to locate commercial production facilities in Campbell County, Wyoming. The project will assist the region in recovering from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and structural declines in the thermal coal market and build resilience to future economic changes through quickly increasing diversity in the region's economic base, including through moving to a broader focus on technologies and industries that can add value to the area's significant carbon portfolio. The creation of this industrial park and continued strategic development of plentiful carbon resources will allow Campbell County to diversify its extraction-based economy to a high-value carbon economy, which will help boost emerging business opportunities in the area and assist a region highly impacted by recent negative impacts from downturns in the coal economy. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 87 jobs, save 3 jobs, and leverage $25,000,000 in private investment.
      • $2,212,848, matched by $2,187,675 in local investment, to the City of Austin/Austin Port Authority, Austin/Mower County, Minnesota, to support the City of Austin with boosting business and job growth and economic diversification efforts by making infrastructure upgrades at the Creekside Business Park in Mower County, Minnesota. The project will allow for development at a 57-acre parcel at the business park that will bring new business and job opportunities to the region. Once completed, the project will create and save jobs, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 200 jobs and save 50 jobs.
      • $1,681,161, matched by $2,500,017 in local investment, to the Woodlands Development Group, Inc., Elkins/Randolph County, West Virginia, to support Woodlands Development Group, Inc. with increasing internet connectivity to boost business and job growth in Elkins, West Virginia. The project will support the deployment of 58 miles of aerial fiber to underserved communities in Randolph and Tucker counties, a region impacted by the declining use of coal. Once completed, the project will create job opportunities, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 75 jobs, save 82 jobs, and leverage $13,800,000 in private investment.
      • $30,000, matched by $7,500 in local investment, to the Texas Association of Regional Councils, Austin/Travis County, Texas, to support the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC) with facilitating communication and the exchange of information on economic development issues between the Economic Development Administration’s Austin Regional Office (AURO) and Region 6 Economic Development Districts (EDDs). TARC will also participate in and organize trainings, meetings, and workshops in collaboration with AURO to further economic development efforts related to EDDs and the services they provide within local communities. Trainings offered would allow EDD staff throughout the region to obtain technical assistance and professional development with an emphasis on smaller and rural EDDs, as needed.
      • $1,284,591, matched by $300,000 in local investment, to the Town of Burnsville/East Yancey Water and Sewer District, Burnsville/Yancey County, North Carolina, to support the Town of Burnsville with diversifying the local economy by extending water and sewer service to a new greenhouse lettuce growing facility in Yancey County, North Carolina. The project will provide added water and sewer system capacity to support the establishment of new businesses in the region. Once completed, the project will create local jobs, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 100 jobs and leverage $86,000,000 in private investment.
      • $579,840, matched by $144,960 in local investment, to the Gillette College Foundation, Gillette/Campbell County, Wyoming, to support the establishment of an Office of Transformation to assist the northeastern Wyoming region in recovering from recent negative economic impacts due to the coronavirus pandemic and changes to market conditions for the coal industry, which is central to the regional economy. The Office of Transformation will consist of a variety of partners from local governments, non-profit organizations, and industry representatives, and will be administrated by the Gillette College Foundation, and will serve to coordinate the development and implementation of innovative strategies for becoming more resilient to recent and future economic shifts. The project supports the initial startup of the Office, approximately one year of focused research, community engagement, and strategic planning, and two years of strategy implementation support and coordination, along with further ongoing economic research and diversification planning. Once completed, the project will help strengthen and diversify the regional economy and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.
  • $4,657,739 in six Economic Adjustment Assistance projects, matched by $1,438,392 in local investments, as follows:
    • $2,100,000 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $750,000 in local investment, to the Gateway Research Park, Inc./North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro/Guilford County, North Carolina, to support the expansion of a manufacturing facility to support the growth of minority-owned businesses in Greensboro, North Carolina. Once completed, the project will attract new businesses to the area, help the region diversify its local economy, create, and save jobs, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 33 jobs, save 25 jobs, and leverage $3,100,000 in private investment.
    • $1,004,173 in Assistance to Coal Communities, matched by $300,000 in local investment, to the S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation/Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, North Carolina, to support S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation with expanding the Enterprise Center, a commercial kitchen, that will include a tripling of the current business center space available to support formation and expansion of food-based businesses in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The project will help attract private investment to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry, which will help the region diversify its local economy, create, and save jobs, and advance economic resiliency. The grantees estimate that this investment will help create 50 jobs, save 15 jobs, and leverage $680,000 in private investment.
    • $480,000 in Assistance to Nuclear Closure Communities, matched by $120,000 in local investment, to the Grundy Economic Development Council/Grundy Council Chamber of Commerce/North Central Illinois Council of Governments, to support the Grundy County Economic Development Council, Grundy County Chamber of Commerce, and North Central Illinois Council of Governments with updating the regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and developing a recovery strategy to address the impacts of the Dresden Nuclear Station closure. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to help strengthen the regional economy. Once completed, the project will provide employment opportunities, spur private investment, and serve as a catalyst for unprecedented regional economic growth.
    • $438,355, matched by $109,589 in local investment, to the Augustana University Association, Sioux Falls/Minnehaha County, South Dakota, to support the acquisition of supplies and equipment for the expansion of the nursing programs at Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The project will help address the local and regional need for a more robust and resilient healthcare workforce and will result in approximately 353 additional nurses graduating from the programs at Augustana University and entering the healthcare over the next nine years. Once completed, the project will increase educational opportunities, which will support workforce development, bolster job creation, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.
    • $367,000, matched by $91,750 in local investment, to the Regents of New Mexico State University/San Juan College, Las Cruces/Dona Ana County, New Mexico, to fund the Building Resilience and Entrepreneurship in a Coal Community (BRECC) project, an initiative to develop and implement a certificate program in Culinary Arts, to build and provide entrepreneurial training and support for burgeoning businesses in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Once completed, the project will help new and existing businesses grow, create additional jobs, attract private investment, and boost economic development in an area that has been severely impacted by the decline in the coal industry.
    • $268,211, matched by $67,053 in local investment, to the Youngstown Warren Regional Airport, Youngstown/Mahoning County, Ohio, to support development of a study of the Airport’s potential to drive economic growth in the region. Pandemic-related closures and layoffs have exacerbated long-term economic distress in the Youngstown region. Once completed, the study will detail market trends in the aviation, aeronautics, and defense-related aerospace sectors, which will support workforce development, provide sustainable income in these industries, and stabilize the regional economy.
  • $3,950,000 in one Public Works project, matched by $2,010,486 in local investment, as follows:
    • $3,950,000, matched by $2,010,486 in local investment, to Panola County/City of Batesville, Batesville/Panola County, Mississippi, to support Panola County with renovating a former outlet mall building for use as a workforce training center that will serve North Mississippi. The project will help establish the Concourse, a vocational and technical training facility that will work to meet local employers’ existing and future workforce needs. Once completed, the project will help generate an environment that can serve as a catalyst for unprecedented regional economic growth. The grantees estimate that this investment will help save 350 jobs and leverage $11,000,000 in private investment.
  • $673,088.74 in seven Local Technical Assistance projects, matched by $390,747.85, as follows:
    • $178,832, matched by $61,250 in local investment, to the National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation, Washington, District of Columbia, to support the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation, Inc. with providing training that will help Economic Development Districts, Tribal Planning Grantees, University Centers, and other economic development organizations to enhance their capacity to manage programs and services that will benefit residents in their regions. Training topics will include workforce development, economic recovery, resilience, foreign direct investment, tech-based development and exporting.
    • $151,200, matched by $37,800 in local investment, to the County of Lincoln, Kemmerer/Lincoln County, Wyoming, to support advancing recovery and resilience in Lincoln County, Wyoming, a coal-impacted community. The project will provide local technical assistance to fund a study to determine the necessary investments in infrastructure to a zone on either side of US Highway 189 south of Kemmerer, Wyoming. Once completed, the project will help determine the economic impact to advance the diversification plan supporting the development of a chemical cluster in the region to replace the economic reliance on traditional coal markets, which will help strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment, and create jobs.
    • $125,000, matched by $125,000 in local investment, to the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Conference and Visitors Bureau, Inc., Annapolis/Anne Arundel County, Maryland, to fund the Chesapeake Bay Passenger Ferry Feasibility Study. The project will assist the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Conference and Visitors Bureau, Inc. with developing the study to help strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment, and create jobs throughout the region.
    • $82,500, matched by $22,000 in local investment, to the Perry County Economic Development Authority, Perryville/Perry County, Missouri, to support the Perry County Economic Development Authority with conducting an analysis on the feasibility of a rail terminal facility for Perry County, Missouri. Once completed, the project will help strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment, and create jobs.
    • $70,056.74, matched by $72,197.85 in local investment, to the Utah Advanced Material Manufacturing Institute, Kaysville/Davis County, Utah, to fund a feasibility study focused on critical knowledge gaps relating to key industry metrics and strategy across the value chain in Utah's Cut and Sew (C&S) Industry conducted by the Utah Advanced Materials Manufacturing Institute. The project will provide Utah's C&S industry stakeholders with clear and timely industry strategic assessments that they can use to position the industry for growth and long-term sustainability. Once completed, the project will help create and retain jobs, attract private investment, and strengthen the regional economy.
    • $35,500, matched by $65,000 in local investment, to P33, Chicago/Cook County, Illinois, to fund the Illinois QIST Workforce Planning Project, to develop a comprehensive workforce training and development plan related to Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) to identify actions needed to establish robust quantum industries with a diverse and sustainable workforce. The study components will include an analysis to gauge the current state, future growth, and technological areas that will influence QIST labor demand; QIST labor market analysis to better understand the labor needs of QIST organizations; assessment of existing QIST training initiatives and facilities to better understand existing gaps. Once completed, the project will diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
    • $30,000, matched by $7,500 in local investment, to the Texas Association of Regional Councils, Austin/Travis County, Texas, to support the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC) with facilitating communication and the exchange of information on economic development issues between the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Austin Regional Office (AURO) and Region 6 Economic Development Districts (EDDs). TARC will also participate in and organize trainings, meetings, and workshops in collaboration with AURO to further economic development efforts related to EDDs and the services they provide within local communities. Trainings offered would allow EDD staff throughout the region to obtain technical assistance and professional development with an emphasis on smaller and rural EDDs, as needed.
  • $589,770 in four Technical Assistance University Center projects, matched by $637,319 in local investments, to support the second year of a five-year University Center program, which is a competitively based partnership between EDA and academic institutions that makes the varied and vast resources of universities available to the economic development practitioner community. The program provides technical assistance and research and development tools to increase productivity, spur innovation, and promote entrepreneurship to help increase long-term regional competitiveness and economic diversification.
    • University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR ($137,923)
    • Cornell University, Ithaca/Thompkins County, NY ($137,924)
    • Bowling Green State Univ, Bowling Green/Wood County, OH ($176,000)
    • University of MD-College Park, College Park/Prince George’s County, MD ($137,923)
  • $1,046,000 in nine Partnership Planning projects, matched by $490,502 in local investments, to support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS). The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
    • Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Philadelphia, PA ($75,000)
    • New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark/Essex County, NJ ($125,000)
    • Region I Joint Planning Commission, Rockford/Winnebago County, IL ($55,000)
    • Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Harlem/Blaine County, MT ($153,000)
    • Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Macy/Thurston County, NE ($153,000)
    • Roosevelt-Custer RC for Development, Dickinson/Stark Co, ND ($100,000)
    • Southeast Michigan COG, Detroit/Wayne County, MI ($70,000)
    • Buckeye Hills Hocking Valley Region, Marietta/WA County, OH ($210,000)
    • Catawba Indian Nation of SC, Rock Hill/York County, SC ($105,000)