EDA Announces Updates to its CEDS Content Guidelines

April 25, 2023

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This week, the Economic Development Administration announces an update to its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Content Guidelines, recommending four new or updated topics for inclusion in future CEDS. 

The newly released language contains recommendations focused on: 

  • Climate Resilience. The United States has experienced an increase in the frequency and severity of climate and weather disruptions that are associated with climate change.  By planning for and becoming more resilient to climate change, communities and regions can protect their investments while also taking advantage of new economic development opportunities driven by environmental sustainability.  
  • Equity. Incorporating equity and inclusive economic development into the CEDS strengthens the quality of the process and the integrity of the document while making regions more economically competitiv e. 
  • Workforce Development.  CEDS should highlight employer-driven, place-based workforce development efforts as an essential underpinning of the broader economic development strategy.
  • Broadband. The availability of high-speed internet is central to effective economic development. However, by one estimate, more than 30 million Americans do not have access to broadband infrastructure that delivers even minimally sufficient speeds. Effective CEDS will be attentive to capacity gaps in the digital infrastructure of their regions.  

CEDS are a key component in establishing and maintaining a robust economic ecosystem by helping to build  regional economic development capacity that contributes to individual, business, and community success. They provide a vehicle for individuals, organizations, local governments, institutes of learning, underserved communities and private industry  to engage in a meaningful conversation and debate about what efforts and initiatives would best serve economic development in the region.

“The CEDS Content Guidelines are a living template that evolves in response to the changing needs and priorities of the economy,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Alejandra Y. Castillo. “The addition of the new content areas of climate resilience, equity, workforce development, and broadband are the culmination of a successful process of consultation and collaboration between EDA and its partners across government and the private sector.”

The updated CEDS Content Guidelines are now available at: eda.gov/CEDS