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Recompete Phase 2 Virtual Summit
On February 13, 2024, Recompete Finalist teams convened virtually for a summit to engage with experts and practitioners discussing topics that were identified by Finalists as areas of interest or seen as common themes. The recordings of sessions, experts who led the sessions, and resources that were presented or referenced can be found below.
Session 1: Discussion with Past EDA National Competition Coalitions
This session was a conversation with four coalitions that have successfully participated in EDA’s previous national competitions – specifically, the $500 million Good Jobs Challenge and $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge. It provided an open dialogue on lessons learned, tips and tricks, and other challenges experienced during the competition period.
- Brandon Dennison, Founder of Coalfield Development
- Chandra Briggman, CEO of Activation Capital and President/CEO of Virginia BioTechnology Research Park
- Christopher Zeitz, Vice President of Workforce Development at Fresno County Economic Development Corporation
- Stacey Johnson, Director of Workforce Development, Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships, at Binghamton University State University of New York
Video 1: “Discussion with Past EDA National Competition Coalitions - Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Session 2: Executing on Equity
This session provided a deep dive into ways Finalists could embed equity in their Phase 2 planning, implementation, and outcomes. Specifically, our speakers addressed considerations for management teams and governance, metrics, and example practices for shifting power structures and achieving meaningful community engagement.
- Armando Moritz-Chapelliquen, Senior Program Officer, Economic Development at Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Destiny Allen Mitchell, Senior Program Officer, Economic Development at LISC
- Stephanie Tyree, Executive Director at West Virginia Community Development Hub
Video 2: “Executing on Equity – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
- LISC Equity Recompete Slides (PDF)
- WV Community Development Hub Equity Recompete Slides (Coming Soon)
- Business Development Organization Network Newsletter
- Rural LISC Newsletter
Session 3: Workforce Development Design and Programming
In this session, the Director of EDA’s Good Jobs Challenge covered how regions can build employer-driven regional workforce systems and how Recompete Finalists can apply these practices to their implementation plans. The conversation included sharing best practices in topics such as employer engagement, wraparound services, and metrics—along with examples and lessons learned from Good Jobs Challenge grantees.
Speaker: Patrick Bourke, Director of the Good Jobs Challenge at U.S. Economic Development Administration
Video 3: “Workforce Development Design and Programming – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
Session 4: Childcare Investments
Nearly all Recompete Finalists requested funding for childcare as a wraparound service, in addition to other care-related investments. This session explored the economic constraints and structural barriers that keep the childcare sector from scaling and meeting market demand, and examples of how applicants can consider ways to address those barriers (e.g., employer driven programming). It also covered how Finalists can strategically navigate these challenges and address the ecosystem of care in their target regions by taking a comprehensive approach.
- Scott Andes, Recompete Program Director, U.S. Economic Development Administration
- Asia King, Recompete Program Officer, U.S. Economic Development Administration
*Note the original speaker was meant to be Liat Krawczyk, Senior Advisor for Workforce and Childcare Strategy at U.S. Department of Commerce (U.S. DOC) CHIPS Program Office. She unfortunately was unable to present due to a scheduling conflict, but provided the slides and talking points for discussion.
Video 4: “Childcare Investments – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
- Childcare Investment Slides (PDF)
- Childcare Resources (PDF)
- Sample List of Childcare Innovators (PDF)
Session 5: Small Business & Entrepreneurship
This session explored different models to support the growth of local entrepreneurs and small businesses. In a Q&A with Dr. Tiffany Bussey, she discussed her learnings from serving as the Founding Director of the Morehouse Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (MIEC), a global model for higher education and industry collaborations focused on helping Black businesses grow and thrive.
Speaker: Dr. Tiffany Bussey, DBA, MSc., MBA, PMP, Founding Director at the Morehouse Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center
Video 5: “Small-Business & Entrepreneurship – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Session 6: Public Benefits
Recompete’s goal is to increase economic mobility among prime-age resident workers. This can be accomplished in part through increasing access to public benefits and making sure financial planning integrates benefits and benefits cliffs. This session outlined actionable steps that distressed areas can take to ensure target populations have access to the benefits they’re entitled to and the multiplier effects that benefits access can have on economic mobility.
Speaker: Trooper Sanders, Chief Executive Officer at Benefits Data Trust
Video 6: “Public Benefits and their Role in Recompete – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
Session 7: Governance Models
Governance captures key functions that are critical to the success of each Recompete effort but may not naturally be filled by any one member. This session offered a discussion about the types of real-world challenges coalitions may face in the implementation of a Recompete award, and how Finalists can prepare a governance structure to address them.
Speaker: Alex Jones, Director of the Build Back Better Regional Challenge, U.S. Economic Development Administration
Video 7: “Governance Models for Implementation – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
- Governance Models Slides (PDF)
- Resource Library for the Build Back Better Regional Coalitions – filter by “Governance” and there are different resources that could be beneficial (e.g., Building a Collaborative Governance Framework)
- Jobs For the Future: MOU guide and sample MOUs
Session 8: Economic Development in Rural and Tribal Communities
Recompete Finalists proposed a variety of economic strategies – a third of the 22 coalitions focus on supporting rural and Tribal communities. This session offered a discussion on barriers unique to these communities as well as innovative practices the speakers had seen or experienced in their work.
- Christine Sorenson, Rural Partners Network Lead at U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development
- Tony Skrelunas, Founder of Navajo Power PB and CEO of Tribe Awaken
Video 8: “Rural and Tribal Communities – Recompete Virtual Summit 2.13.2024”
Additional Resources:
Session 9: Working with Elected Officials
Buy-in from local elected officials can add significant benefit to the Recompete strategy, but mayors have to prioritize what their administration focuses on, and what they don’t. This session was a conversation with two current mayors and one former mayors to discuss how to best align efforts with local elected officials and support Finalists in gaining high value commitments to action from local government.
- Betsy Hodges, Former Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Danene Sorace, Mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- Paige Cognetti, Mayor of Scranton, Pennsylvania
*Note this recording is unavailable, however if Finalists have questions about engaging their Elected Officials, please reach out to the assigned Program Officer.