Archived Awards Content

Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.

ARPA Research Reports and Publications

The ARPA Research Program enables real-time research into EDA ARPA programs such as the Good Jobs Challenge; Build Back Better Regional Challenge; the Indigenous Communities program; and the Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation program.   ARPA Research Grantees aim to establish the initial economic conditions in communities/regions before EDA ARPA investment and track ARPA grantee progress and activities/outputs throughout project implementation. Over the longer term, this research will better position EDA to evaluate the impact of such ARPA investments.

This page includes any publications, reports or findings from the ARP Research Grantees and will be continuously updated as new content is released.

For detailed information on the ARPA Research awards, please visit ARPA Research Award Information.

Research and Analysis on Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Awards

National Governor’s Association/Oregon State University’s Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy (CORE)

Final Report: “Innovative Travel Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Awards” (PDF)

Case Studies and more project information: Innovative Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Awards - National Governors Association